So as we all know, it's a lot easier to succeed at something if we are Wong held accountable for it and so even though I dread this post I'm going to do it. The before picture. This is before starting my diet and exercise program for the next six months.
About a year ago I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. This was after three years of constant weight fluctuations, 103 at my lowest and now 160 at my highest. I went on medication for it but the weight will not come off despite efforts. Though I have to be honest and say that I have not been consistent with my plan. I start a fitness plan and then quit when I feel better. Start a healthy diet and then eat a piece of cake and forget about it. Well not this time. I will not let diabetes stop me from having the body I want. Not this time. Join my fat to fit journey!
Always a Bridesmaid...follow my life as I navigate from dating to falling in love with a lot of DIY and weddings in between!
Friday, October 28, 2011
I came across this guys website the other day and what he is doing is incredible. For one year he decided to go from fit to fat to fit again. He is a personal trainer who wanted to better understand and relate to what his overweight clients go through. The best part of this is that he is completely documenting his experience. He is going to be listing his grocery lists, his workout regimen, and the best part is, he is modifying everything for you to be able to do it at home and follow along on his fat to fit journey.
How many excuses do you make on being healthy? It's too expensive, I don't go to a gym, it takes too much time, yada yada yada. Well this guys is not going to be shopping at whole foods and realistically shopping healthy costs the same as shopping unhealthy. For example, boxes DiGiorno pizza costs almost $10. I make a cauliflower pizza (yes the crust is made of fresh cauliflower and you couldn't tell the difference), and it costs me about $5.00 to make two pizzas filled with veggies and turkey pepperoni.
You claim a gym membership costs to much money, well lucky for you, you can do all the same workouts at home. Do you have a chair? Tricep Dips. Do you have a floor? Push ups. Hand weights are cheap. A medicine ball is cheap and so is a stability ball and bands. Pick some up, it's all you will need for resistance training.
Can't afford a personal trainer? Well lucky for you, this guys is providing you a free service. Describing EXACTLY what he is doing to get back to being in shape.
I'm like the rest of America, though I do eat really healthy and try not to eat out much because I actually love to cook. But I always say that I would be a lot more motivated if someone would do things for me. I don't have the time to plan everything out in my life, my meals, my workout and so now that I found someone who is just going to tell me what to do, I definitely plan on following along. I will let you know in six months how it went.
And we all know that motivation is the key to success so I found ways to motivate myself. I wrote out a list of things that I will get for myself when I reach my goals.
1. If I take my vitamins for 30 days in a row, I will buy myself a new pair of Uggs!
2. If I lose 5 lbs (the equivalent of feeling divine and fabulous in my current size 6 jeans), I will buy myself the Louis Vuitton I have had my eye on for months
3. If I work out 60 days in a row (yoga on rest days because it is not healthy for the body not to rest), I will buy myself the Ipad.
4. If I lose 20lbs (which I need too), and can fit back in my favorite Dolce Gabanna jeans, then I will buy myself the black lace tricot dress from American Apparel that I have been wanting for a year and didn't feel sexy enough to wear. The cheapest present and by far the most significant and motivational of all. I will wear this dress on new years! Mark my words!
What I did this morning...

Yes be jealous...because this is how I spent my glorious cold morning...
I had cinnamon coffee in bed...and I watched scary movies on AMC until late afternoon. Oh and I ate this delicious lemon cake for lunch. It's the easiest recipe and for those of you who follow weight watchers (I do not, but I got this recipe from my mom who does), the entire cake is only 19 points! So yes, If you truly just wanted to eat cake for the entire day you technically could by WW standards. Here is the recipe...
1 box of lemon cake mix
20 oz of Diet 7 up
Cool Whip (I use sugar free)
Mix the 7 up and the cake mix and pour into pan. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes (if it's a 13 x 9) pan. Let cool and top with cool whip and Voila! And yes, I did continue to eat the cake in bed...I know, be insanely jealous that this is how I spend my mornings off.
I'm sorry for neglecting you
I can't say I have truly been that busy. I just have been girl crushing on so many other blogs that I have neglected my own. However, I vow to pay more attention to you from now on...promise. Especially now that you have a blogger app.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Birthday Eve
Tomorrow is officially my birthday. Typically I hate birthdays. This birthday I am going to be alone, a year older and I am finally okay with it! Yes, I am actually embracing getting older! If you remember my last years birthday, I was completely indifferent to it. I felt that life had become stagnant and I was going nowhere and I wanted to do anything but turn 25. I am one of those people that doesn't count on the new year beginning on New Years Eve. I count the new year beginning on my birthday. And I have never been excited for a new year to begin. I honestly feel that this is MY year. A year of greatness.
Things I've learned this past year:
1. It's alright to stay in on a Saturday night and wake up refreshed on a Sunday morning with a glorious cup of coffee
2. My body will not always look like my mind believes it does, and visa versa. Be comfortable in your skin and beauty from the inside will resonate with you.
3. You can eat cookies for breakfast sometimes
4. Not everyone is going to like you or be nice to you, but you can choose to ignore it and surround yourself with amazing people who love you for who you are
5. There is truly no place like home, Dorothy was really onto something there
6. Who needs a boyfriend when you can become your own perfect relationship? Do things for yourself that you wish others would do (like take out the trash and carry 10 bags of groceries up in one trip), you'll feel empowered and never fight with yourself because the only expectations you set are for yourself.
7. Put yourself out there. Play. Be silly and never underestimate how great it feels to make a difference in the lives of others.
Today I am going to workout and clean my apartment so that I don't have to do anything tomorrow except shop online at the local coffee shop and visit a bookstore before work. It's my birthday, I can do what I want!
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