I've had a lot of BIG changes occurring in my life over the course of the last two and a half weeks. Not only was I not delusional, because the roofer and I called it quits (a rant in and of itself so don't get me started), but I am also moving to Columbus to take a job. I finally had enough of my boss's insane control freak of a husband and took the plunge and applied to one of the top gyms in the region and the best in the state. Lo and behold, I got the job. Without sounding too arrogant, I knew I would, which is why I had put off applying for so long. For some reason I just wasn't ready to pick my life up and move, and for whatever reason, about a month ago I was. Even though the roofer gave me a bit of a kick in the pants, his location had nothing to do with it. Yes, it would have been nice because we would have been closer but that is neither here nor there now.
As nervous as I am, I am beyond excited to start a new life. Because that is what this is. Yes I have been out on my own for over a year, but I am in Lakewood. Forty five minutes from my parents, fifteen from most friends and I have never NOT had anything to do because I didn't know someone. Even though I won't be far, I will now be two hours away. There will be no just getting in the car to come home for the day or friends just happening to be in the area and stopping by. So for me this is a small stone to a bigger one in the pond of growing up in life.
Thus the post party girl project I am about to embark on. It comes as no surprise that as of late I have been this carefree party girl. I leave the house on a wimb, leave high heels scattered, leftover taco bell on the counter for three days and my life is always chaotic and in shambles. I wonder why I feel so scattered and why I can't find a husband. I long to be a more sophisticated adult and I figured now will be the perfect time to do it.
So part one of the project: Cute adult apartment. I am getting rid of the clutter and everything will be organized properly and have a place. Then the decorating will begin. And since I am broke, I will explore thrift shops and T.J MAXX.
Part two: Update wardrobe: And how do I do this cost effectively? LOSE 20 lbs. I have all these adorable classic pencil skirts and button downs and dress pants that I would love to wear on a regular basis to look more sophisticated but I need to lose about ten pounds to feel comfortable and 20 to feel sexy in them. So DIET! I am actually going to attempt to COOK. Yes, me cook right lol. But I am.
I am going to be a cooking cleaning dieting, working out, organized MACHINE!!! And I'm going to be fit and I'm going to use my free time to take care of myself, to write (maybe I will FINALLY finish editing by book)! And maybe eventually that great guy that I have been searching for will finally come into my life. Because the great thing about starting over is having the ability to start again and finally let go of the things in your life that have been weighing you down that you didn't even know. Like ties with exes, or best friends that keep dragging you out on Tuesday nights.
I don't want to anticipate or overly expect things to be amazing when I could very well hate it. But I have a good feeling about this. Like I am getting a push from someone to make this move. And for some reason I feel like it will be amazing.