I woke up today in a rush, not because I was late or because I had slept in, I had just slept in longer than I had particularly wanted to. I wanted to get up and print out my notes for class tomorrow, but I didn't. I wanted to wake up and charge my bluetooth, but I didn't. Instead I was so overwhelmed with the idea that I had woken up 30 minutes later than I had intended, I just laid in bed with my coffee and thought about what I should be doing instead of actually doing it. Take for instance this very moment. I should be using this time to write my chemistry lab report, however, I am so consumed by all of these thoughts that if I do not get them out I cannot further concentrate, thus being an enabler to my own mind. So instead I am blogging.
Last night I had an odd dream, one of many that I have had in the past few nights which makes me believe that the cosmos are either trying to tell me to settle down, you are in more control than you think, or they are saying that no amount of therapy will be able to decipher what my innermost subconsciousness is trying to say to me these days.
I dreamt that my boyfriend and I were at a party and he was paying attention to every girl in the room except for me. Usually this does not bother me but in my dream I was quite disturbed by it. I noticed him paying particular attention to an ex girlfriend and after they were done flirting, being the bold person that I am, I approached him and asked him why he was doing this and if maybe now he felt as if we should split up. He said to me..."If I can get this many chicks with a girlfriend, imagine how many I can get without one." There it was, the decision was made, the immature, chick magnet had re-emerged from within which made me realize that it was that persona that made me fall out of love with him the first time and I bowed out gracefully. Upon returning to our apartment after the party, which was of course only a resemblance of our apartment, but a much nicer and larger, two story version, he was of course on the couch and as I walked to the bathroom, I found it clogged, with the seat up and the toilet paper roll empty. With the exception of the toilet clog, this is the disarray I often times find the bathroom was makes me angry in our waking life, so it is no wonder I dreamt of this scenario. In my dream, I simply exasperated and then I awoke, wondering if he wasn't lying next to me because he had gone to work or if I had simply gotten what I seem to be dreaming of: brutal honesty and an endless supply of toilet paper.
The night before this I was in the water, rapids, in a row boat with my family and my mother was steering in the front of the boat with her orange and blue life jacket on and her yellow helmet. I was the perspective at the far rear of the boat, watching her navigate through these rough waters and then she simply stood up and said to me, "Michele, take the paddle and come to the front of the boat." I awoke feeling a sigh of relief. This dream made me feel as if she was subconsciously telling me that she trusts my judgement in hard times and trusts me enough to be able to paddle through the rough waters of life. I of course, am no dream interpreter but this is what I would like this dream to signify!
Well blog, it is almost 11:30, which was the time I said I would pack up and head to work. My compulsive scheduled nature will not allow me to stay a minute more or my life will further more be in a panic (I should probably see someone about this OCD problem). I will write more later if I finish my lab report at a decent time this evening and get all of my schooling out of the way, for I still have a million things to say and I know I will not rest if I don't remove them from my consciousness.
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