Always a Bridesmaid...follow my life as I navigate from dating to falling in love with a lot of DIY and weddings in between!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
2 weeks
Well I finally submitted by book for my critique. Literally just took me close to a year to finally get the balls to get it moving in the right direction. But I decided, what am I waiting for and what is the worst that could happen? It never gets bought? I want to completely change it? The pros outweighed the cons and I had to just go for it finally! So I will get the response in about 2 weeks.
The L word
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Smoke Rings
Dear Camel Crushes,
I had a glass of wine tonight and it just was not the same without you. I miss your habit. I miss how you calm me when I am over anxious, upset, or excited. I miss how we used to share a cup of warm cinnamon coffee, long drives in the car, and our love for fine wine. I'm sure we will run into each other every now and again. Like a bad romance that you sometimes cannot tear yourself away from when you are face to face. But I finally had to aknowledge the horrible things you were doing to my life. And soon I will learn how to get on with my daily routine without you. One day you will be a small afterthought and not such a torment at my soul, exercising every bit of will power I have. I just wanted to say I am happy to have quit you, but I miss you at the moment,
A week long non-smoker
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A walk in the rain
Since I am totally bummed because I have been advised that I should not workout until I can at least walk up the stairs without wheezing, I am going to do something for myself today on this gloomy rainy day. Something I have wanted to do for over a year since I have lived here. I am going to go and get my library card!!! I figured that was one way to save money. Instead of going to bum around the bookstore and buy a bunch of books I will just go old school and check them out at the library. Besides I absolutely love the library. I love the smell of it, I love the texture of the books. It's something that will make me happy on this rainy day!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Tick Tock
And speaking of...

Cinderella was by far my favorite of all the Disney fairy tales (ok Little Mermaid definitely tied), but I saw this charm bracelet online and maybe I am summoning the little child in me. Maybe it is because I am still looking for Prince Charming. Maybe it's my LOVE for shoes! But I absolutely LOVE this charm bracelet and must find it!
Yay for goals!
Taste the Rainbow!
Nike Marketing
Life is just a cup of cake!

I have been feeling a little down in the dumps lately, which surprisingly has nothing to do with boys, any boy, let a lone a particular boy. I am feeling a little down on life as of late. Being sick for the last four days and also working what seems like slave driven hours (maybe I am just not cut out for a 40hour week). I take that back, I think I could survive a nine to five, it's trying to survive a 12pm-9pm job, plus go to school that makes it seems impossible. Thankfully Easter is coming up soon and I am saving big projects for that week when I am working an actual 9-5.
So because I have been down in the dumps lately I decided to post a few things of inspiration to myself today. I need to keep remembering to tell myself to keep calm and have a cupcake.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I am finally free
I realized that there will never be a perfect moment to say goodbye. There will always be things that you wish that you could have said. There will always be a small amount of hope that it won't be forever and a small amount of knowing that isn't for good. But there comes a point when you need to make decisions based upon rationale and not upon fairytales. When you cannot simply wish upon the stars in the sky. You need to trust that your head is in the right place even when your heart is not. There will always be those distinct moments that stick out in your mind that you will think back on and smile, but they are simply memories, made for a reason. Maybe because there are meant to be more, but just not with whom you think at the moment.
I said what I had been longing to say for so long. I finally mustered the courage and the strength to be true to myself and to my needs even though it is not how I wanted things to turn out. I wanted you to change. But life is not a fairy tale, you are not prince charming and I wear sneakers in the place of glass slippers. I finally said to your face goodbye and to your soul to let me go.
So tonight I will sleep on your side of the bed and take comfort in the emptiness and know that I did this for the good of my clarity and the good of my life. If I am superwoman, you will always be my kryptonite and I will always miss you even though people cannot understand why. Maybe we were never meant to either. You will forever hold a special place in my heart and I am grateful for the memories, but more grateful for the wonderful opportunities that I just created for my life!
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