Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Busy busy bee!

I have been a very busy bee these last few weeks!  I always vow to keep up with this thing and then I let life get crazy and I fall off the wagon a little bit.  However, it is my goal to keep track of all the exciting things happening through the year because I don't want to look back like I did last year and say, "what did I even do all year?"  So this is what I've been up to the last few weeks!

The weekend after my birthday we had a fabulous birthday party in Cleveland for my friend Katie and I!  All I wanted was to finally have all of my bestfriends together in one place and I finally got my birthday wish!  It was an amazing night!

This past weekend I made another trip up to Cleveland for bachelorette activities.  Activity number one was completing a 5k with the bride!  I have to say I was very hesitant at first on doing the 5k.  If given the choice between running in the cold rain versus being able to wake up in a warm bed with my gorgeous hubby and having a cup of coffee, I'm always going to choose the latter.  But we did it!  My sister and I successfully ran it, even though we are not runners and we had a lot of fun and everyone loved our tutus!  Go team bride!

After we got warmed up and showered it was on to a wine tasting at the beautiful battery park wine bar and then to an amazing dinner at pier W restaurant, all right on the water!  And then the night ended with a wonderful evening of laughing and some drinks with my hubby!

Because we have been so busy the last few weekends and haven't had much alone time, the hubby and I decided to spend the day just him and I enjoying an absolutely noteworthy fall day!  After a trip to the apple orchard to pick 20lbs of apples and me making him take me to get my weekly Menchies fix, we picked up some of our favorite pumpkin beer, dinner and pumpkins and vowed to not leave the house for the rest of the day.  And we did just that!  
It has been a great few weeks!  Now we just have a diaper party, baby shower and this wedding to get through and then some super exciting things are happening for us!  I'll keep you posted!!

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