Wednesday, August 19, 2009


What a wonderful day I am having today. I awoke to a noisy alarm, hours earlier than I would like to get up but I had chemistry lab today. I was able to enjoy a warm cup of coffee in bed as I checked my emails watched television. I love waking up alone. If you had asked me if this was enjoyable a year ago I would have said no. But now I find a sense of relaxation and calming in waking up to nothing but silence and the morning sun peeking through the drapery. I finished class 2 and a half hours early and now am able to drink another coffee and sit and relax. What a great balance I am feeling today. I have two hours to sit here and be inspired.

I found a girl on a website who takes the most amazing photographs. She started a project, where she takes a photo of herself everyday for 365 days. She is an inspiration. I want to be able to do things like this with my life. Where would I find the time to fit in a daily photograph? I need to find a balance between the things that I love doing for myself and those things that I must do to better my future. It is sad, but I even have to write down mundane tasks suck as, do the dishes, or I would forget to do so in my chaotic life. I arrive home from work and sit down on the couch and become emerged in my lap top, writing, or becoming inspired by photographs of a girl who lives half was around the world.

Like I had said before, I had created a list over a year ago of things that I wanted to do before I was to marry. Large or small, they were all personal accomplishments that I wanted to make. I believe that it is time to update this list. For some I have done, and some have no intention of doing. This is going to be the year that I inspire myself. I am going to do one thing each day that is only for me. It will be my most selfish year, but I have an inclination that it will be the light that shines deeper into my soul, revealing in time exactly what I feel I am missing.

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