Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Observations that are useless

Here are a few observations I have made today while waiting for class.

I like wearing sunglasses because they hide by disinterest in boring conversation
Wearing boots in eighty degree weather is slightly inappropriate and no longer a fashion statement
I don't mind being in school for so long because it actually has been the longest commitment I have been able to keep in my life
Scanties is a really fun word to try and use in conversation
e flowers are not only ridicules...but nothing says I like you, but am too cheap and consumed in my own life to actually send you real flowers.
Dating in the real world has become absurd. First there is the casual meeting with drinks so both of you can be semi-intoxicated in order to actually seem interested in the meaningless conversation that you are having. Then there is the following of two weeks of facebook stalking, followed by a banter of text messages in order to be able to really get to know each other. What a fairytale.

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