Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Do all things really happen for a reason? Does God, or a higher power put boulders in our way to see at which lengths we will travel to go around them or move them? I'm starting to wonder. I decided to go back to school (mainly to avoid paying back student loans), but either way I re-enrolled. Or so I had thought. I had a hold on my account because they thought I never returned an organic kit model kit over a year prior! Really school? Yes, let me tell you, I secretly always wanted a molecular model kit so that I could build shot glasses out of the oxygen symbol! Why on Earth would I keep such a thing? Well I didn't because when I called today they had found it. Little too late, because while there was a break and there was no one there to answer the phones, the class I tried to enroll in was FILLED!

I would seriously like to point my finger at the God's above who make a mockery out of the irony of my life.

I get what you are saying Universe! "Shit or Get off the Pot!" As my mother says. Now, you have my attention, please be my guest and tell me what it is that you want me to do with my life? Since obviously it is not to take statistics!

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