Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Scrabble anyone?

The rules: We either break them, follow them or live by them. Lately though I find myself questioning why we so often contemplate them in relationships? What happened to, I like you, you like me, let's do this thing? My girlfriends and I are completely guilty of not only over analyzing the behavior of men, but we bounce the rules off of each other wondering which ones to break, which ones to follow and which ones to toss.

For instance, here are some rules lately that I have heard and too often question.

1. Never send more than one text in a row if he has not responded to your previous text yet. The double text is a no no.

2. Never ask or imply that you want a second date on the first. You should be asked out a second time, AFTER the first date, not on it.

3. Texting two minutes after receipt of initial text looks desperate, 30 minutes appropriate and says you have a life but you are into him, an hour or more, you're not into him.

4. He should always call first. And phone conversations can start to occur after date number 2 or later, anything before looks desperate.

5. Guys like long straight hair. Not flat iron straight, but more of a wavy, but not curly. And first date outfits should be comfortable and casual.

6. He needs to ask you out for the weekend by Wednesday. If he doesn't, he doesn't value your time.

I could go on and on and on here. But I mean, this is starting to get ridicules. There are so many rules to dating that my head is beginning to spin. When something goes wrong, I am quick to say that I broke a rule. The thought never enters my head that "Hey, he just may not be that into you."

So with this new guy, I have decided to throw out all dating rules and expectations. If I want to call him, I'm going to call him (gasp!). If I am thinking about him, I'm going to shoot him a text (Oh My!). If I want to see him again, I'm going to let him know. I'm tired of the games, the wondering the questions, the insecurities. It's time to stop being ridicules and start being real. Be yourself. Don't ponder and doubt your every move. Maybe then we won't keep questioning what we're doing wrong because I'm starting to think that what is wrong is not being honest!

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