Always a Bridesmaid...follow my life as I navigate from dating to falling in love with a lot of DIY and weddings in between!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Soul Ride...Take it easy!
Monday, June 28, 2010

I had Sonic for the first time yesterday. Sonic is a fast food chain, big in Southern Ohio and other southern states, where you pull up, order and they bring out your food on roller skates. (I'm sure everyone has heard of Sonic, but just incase, there is your intro). Despite the fact that I thought the burger was pretty delicious, I was not impressed. I did not like the decadent chili cheese tots, nor did I care for the limeaide (personally I don't like anything lime unless it's in my beer or has tequila in it.) I gorged out though this weekend in preparation for my detox these next two weeks (Yes I am doing a cleanse!) I figured everyone needs a little help and with my dedicated workouts lately (I've actually been making it to the gym instead of just donating too it!) I thought I would try it. I'll let you know in 14 days how I feel because it is supposed to help me drop a dress size in 14 days!
Tiger Tiger Woods ya'll

I can literally spend hours in a bookstore. Luckily for my brother, who went shopping with me yesterday, I knew exactly what I was looking for so he wouldn't have to wait hours for me. Still, I always browse the self help relationship sections, because I like to think of my life as a constant work in progress; at least my relationship life. I came across this book and I thought it was hilarious. I mean since when is cheating called Tiger Woods Syndrome? Last time I checked, men throughout history have been cheating, women cheat. Tiger Woods, whom of which I personally am not impressed with, did not coin this phenom and I don't like that he is getting this kind of street cred!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tilapia and Oils
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Skinny Jeans
Monday, June 21, 2010
Beating em' off with sticks!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Self Checkout for One please
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Forced Kisses and Headlines
The break up diet
Monday, June 14, 2010
The truth will set you free

I did it, because he made me. I hate anything karaoke. I will sing in the car, in the shower, anywhere ALONE. He knew that it was on my singles list. He was in town and has the voice of an angel if that angel was a mixture of sweet country lullabies and bitter rock about love lost. I love hearing him sing. He made me sing with him. My first karaoke experience and I am so happy it was with him! I successfully complete three things off my singles list this week that I was off work! I will post it later. I began writing it out in my insomnia the other night and I'm sure I will have the same insomnia tonight.
Sitting in Silence
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I can't believe I did this!
Dancing where the stars go blue
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Fight me Please!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Just Another Day in Love Limbo!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I just pissed away the last two days of my life!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Grow Up Peter Pan!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Finally some relaxation!
Ah the lake house! Who am I kidding? It is less of a lake house and more like a glorified trailer park but it sure is beautiful on the lake and lake house sounds a lot better than going to the trailer.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Woes me
Friday, June 4, 2010
Girls Night Out!

Maybe I am not used to this quiet life. To walking into my apartment late at night alone. Crawling in bed alone. Waking up alone. I left in a whirlwind, glitter on the bathroom counter, shoes tossed onto the living room floor, clothes sprawled across the bed (the only thing sprawled across the bed these days).
Work on your day off is not a day off at all!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
hello tumblr
So I randomly switched my blog over to tumblr today. I am not quite sure what prompted me today. Perhaps I felt a need for a change or perhaps I am just a follower of millions of people and decided, yep this is the blog spot for me! Either way I am excited to be there!
So I am on day five of my new “lifestyle diet.” I have decided to go back to vegetarianism, or whatever they call it when you still eat seafood because God knows I love me some sushi! So I am trying all of these crazy vegetarian recipes and trying new food and fruits and things like kale and mustard greens and advocado. Which brings me to my question here. Minus quacamole, because we all no advocados role in the delicious fat filled dip, but what else can you honestly do with advocado? I cut into it today, I slowly poked at it, tried to wiggle it, tasted it with the tip of my tongue and then actually bit into it. There wasn’t much taste and I don’t think I will ever find myself saying, “damn, I wish I had an advocado right now!” However, I’m going to look up some things to do with it and perhaps give it a shot.
I find myself being very nostalgic today. I often times do when I decide to close old doors in hopes of opening new ones. Perhaps it is the new Colbie Caliat song I have been listening to on repeat! Either way I need to get out of this Tuesday funk and high tail it into work. More later as I am sure thoughts will keep encircling my head waiting for me to place them onto paper and I of course want to play with my new blog!