Even though I am potentially two years late, I have jumped on the technological bandwagon and started a blog. I have decided that I have too many thoughts in my head on a daily basis and unless I get them out of my head, I am going to continue to talk to myself, which is annoying me. My life is too busy to monolog it as if I am in my own made for t.v movie. However, it does keep me ever so slightly entertained during my hour commute to work.
So this blog is going to be a virtual diary, since actually having a diary is a thing in the past. I truly want to track how much, or how little, my life changes in a years time. Also, I am a firm believer that you don't know where you're going until you know where you have been... So here is where I am at today:
I am still living in the town that I have grown up in since I was a child. However, I am luckily out of my parents house and living the loft life in a beautiful apartment downtown. I overlook the lake, the historic district, and am in the center of every activity. Parking is horrendous, when I'm allowed to park on the street that is, which reminds me that I need to go move my car now before the police mark my tires again for parking for more than three hours between 8 and 4pm.
I live in this small yet beautiful loft apartment with my boyfriend of over a year, whom was once my boyfriend for over 3 years, until I broke up with him in 2006 to try and "find myself." This was when I moved to Florida, dated a few good men and somehow my heart ended back in his hands, and back at my parents house. Unfortunately, I am again at a cross road, wondering if he truly is my prince charming (questioning everyday if that prince even exists), and now once again, it is slowly destroying our relationship, one night on the couch at a time.
I work in a suburb on the east side of Cleveland, exactly one hour away from that beautiful loft apartment. If I wasn't in so much debt, from that wonderful impromptu move to Florida two years ago, I might actually be able to afford an apartment closer to work. Instead I am still paying about an extra $400 a month in credit card payments while I rack up even more student loan debt. I work extremely hard, and I don't make a lot of money, but I love what I do. I teach gymnastics to little kids, and am a team coordinator for a gym. This is my niche, I'm good at it, I look forward to going to work, and it's a hobby I hope to do for the rest of my life!
While I enjoy my hobby and live paycheck to paycheck, I am also a full time student in school studying biology and chemistry in hopes of one day, real soon, finding out what it is I actually want to do with this degree. I want to attend physician's assistant school but am undoubtedly self conscious on my ability to even get accepted let alone my ability to handle the course load. All my life I have been able to do anything I have put my mind too, and school is the one area in my life that I keep seeming to be a failure. It has certainly put a damper on my self esteem. I was always a straight A student, I am very smart. However, when it comes to common sense smart, I lack some intelligence. I have always had to work full time through school, which has made it difficult to study, maintain an A average and get 8 hours of sleep a night. If it came down to getting an A on an exam or sleeping an extra hour, I slept. Also in moving to Florida, it wasted a year of my life because I had to drop out of school to move back home and wasted a semester and then had to put another two semesters off because I was so broke I needed to work at a bar slinging drinks like Tom Cruise in cocktail to pay off a portion of my debts (and I mean literally, I was a "flair" bartender!) So now I am back in school, back on track, and trying desperately to repair the futile damage I did to my G.P.A.
In an attempt to not sound so cynical, I will say that I lead a pretty amazing life. I have amazing girlfriends without whom I would not have so many great drunken stories or life experience. My parents are unbelievable and stand behind me know matter how stupid my decisions. And on that note, I hope to find followers of my blog, who will relate to how I feel and help guide my life. I also hope to look back on this in a year and be proud of things that I have done. I need to find some meaning in my life because for some reason my best just hasn't been good enough and my life experiences not enough, and with my upcoming birthday (24), I am becoming more concerned that I will never find my way.